Tag Archives: dystopian

It’s Release Day!! IXEOS: Rebellion now available!

It’s finally here! IXEOS: Rebellion, book 2 of the IXEOS Trilogy, is now available on Amazon! Pick up your copy of both books today – great summer reading, now that summer’s finally here. Just click on the photos to be taken to the Kindle links.


IXEOS 800 Cover reveal and Promotional

Ixeos Rebellion 800 Cover Reveal and Promotional


Filed under Publishing, Self publishing, Writing

IXEOS is featured today on Young Adult Promo Central!


You can check out IXEOS today, and then IXEOS: Rebellion on Saturday!! The launch date is TOMORROW – watch for links on Twitter and Facebook!!

IXEOS 800 Cover reveal and Promotional

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Filed under Publishing, Self publishing

IXEOS Blog Tour continues!

Here are the blog posts for the last couple of days. I had a migraine-interruption yesterday, but hopefully am back to the land of the living today. Thanks for reading!

Review on Word to Dreams

Tens list on White Sky Project – my top 10 sci-fi and fantasy characters

Snippet on A Blog Hop Place For Books

The First Link – The Genesis of Ixeos

From the Bootheel Cotton Patch – excerpt

Mythical Books – review  (good review, non-native English speaker – I’d reply to the comment if I knew what it said!!)



Filed under Publishing, Writing

Cover Reveal: IXEOS

Drumroll please….! Here is the cover for my upcoming YA sci-fi fantasy IXEOS. What do you think??

IXEOS 800 Cover reveal and Promotional


Filed under Publishing, Self publishing, Writing

Writing on a jet plane – NaNoWriMo

Last night I flew to Houston, because I have the privilege of sharing my experiences with Hospice Jinja (Uganda) at a fundraiser here tonight. It’s a long way to come for a short thing, but anything I can do to help the great people at the hospice is worth it.

The flight from my city to Houston was three hours long. The day had been that weird sort of day it always is when you have a later flight: you pack, you pace, you do some errands, you check that your family will have food, you check that you didn’t forget anything, you panic when you realize you did forget something, you check Facebook and the weather report a million times. I finally left a bit early for the airport, thinking I’d have time to sit down in my airline club lounge and write.

Well, the line at security was the longest I’d ever seen it. It took me forty-five minutes to get through, so by the time I got to the club I had less than an hour. By the time I got my Diet Coke and cookies (because they cancel each other out, you know), I had less than thirty minutes. When you’re starting a new chapter, that can be a difficult amount of time to try to squeeze some writing in. So I didn’t.

Another long line to get on the plane. I’m spoiled by having an “elite status” with Delta due to all my flying, but I was flying United. In some sort of strange airline math, they called group 7, then group 1, then group 3 (there was no 2), then 4 (there was no one in group 4), then group 5 (me), and finally (I presume) group 6. More line in the jetway, then the usual jockeying for your carry-on bag’s position in the overhead bins. Then the “no electronic devices” period, because, God forbid, we crash the planes with our Kindles.

So finally, I got my laptop down when all danger of triggering a dire airline disaster was past. I was on the aisle, and another guy with a laptop was by the window. The poor college student between us just sat there, unentertained. The guy was doing math problems and waving his arms around… Best not to watch, lest we be diverted to Chicago with an F15 escort. Anyway, I got to writing, finally. NaNoWriMo waits for nothing! (Okay, not totally true, but at that point, I was determined!)

Because I had no internet access for maps, and I had two groups of characters off on adventures, I just had to let bad things happen to them where they were. Bad things are good when you need lots of words, so, in less than an hour and a half, I had about 3300 words (for a total count of 23,725). One group was safe, and one woman’s life is still hanging in the balance. It was quite fun, actually, but I’ll have to resolve all that today and move along.

At almost 25,000 words, since this is a Young Adult novel, I’m probably 1/3 of the way through the story. I may have to change the title, which has been Darian’s War, because I have somehow managed to have very little to do with Darian so far. But otherwise, I’m pretty happy with it, and with my NaNo progress.

How are you doing? We’re in the dreaded Week 2 – are you struggling? Are you flying with wings of pegasi? Keep plowing through, even if you don’t make your word count… Remember, this week and next are the hard ones. You’ll get a second wind once the end is in sight and you’ve had your turkey and pie.

Here’s my mandatory disclaimer – this isn’t an official NaNoWriMo site, and the opinions are my own! Happy writing!


Filed under NaNoWriMo, Writing